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Try This 5 Minute Morning Stretch Routine for All Levels

Mornings can be tough—especially when you wake up with tight muscles and stiff joints. 

But a quick morning stretch routine can make all the difference, setting you up for whatever the day throws at you.

The goal? To hit every part of your body, with a focus on those areas that tend to get tight, like your lower back, hips, and shoulders. 

Five minutes, five movements—that’s all you need to get started. Try each stretch for 50 seconds, with 10 seconds to shake it out and prepare for the next one.

Morning Stretch Routine

Butterfly Stretch 

How to do it:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs bent, bringing the soles of your feet together.
  • Hold your feet with your hands, keeping your back straight.
  • Hold the position, feeling the stretch in your inner thighs.
  • Gently lean forward (keeping your back straight) for a deeper stretch as you feel more comfortable.

Why this stretch?

The butterfly stretch is fantastic for targeting the inner thighs and hips—two areas that can get particularly tight from being inactive for extended periods. 

This stretch helps to improve hip mobility, which is really useful for almost every movement you do throughout the day, from walking to bending over.

Alternative - Frog Pose

The frog pose is a deeper hip opener that targets the inner thighs and groin, providing a more intense stretch than the butterfly stretch by having you lower your body toward the ground while keeping your knees wide apart.

Cobra Stretch  

How to do it:

  • Lie face down on the floor with your hands under your shoulders.
  • Slowly press through your palms, lifting your chest off the ground while keeping your hips on the floor.
  • Either hold this position or keep repeating the movement - whatever feels most natural to you.

Why this stretch?

The cobra stretch is ideal for counteracting the effects of sleeping in a curled position. 

It opens up the chest and shoulders while gently stretching the core and lower back. This helps improve posture and prepares your upper body for the day ahead, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk.

Alternative - Sphinx Pose

This is a gentler version of the cobra, where you lift your chest just slightly off the ground, supporting yourself on your forearms.

Standing Forward Fold  

How to do it:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly bend forward at the hips.
  • Allow your upper body to hang down, reaching for the floor.
  • Keep a slight bend in your knees if necessary.
  • Hold the position, letting your head and neck relax.

Why this stretch?

This stretch targets the hamstrings, calves, and lower back. It’s particularly useful for releasing tension in the back after a night’s sleep.

Alternative - Downward Dog

Downward dog is another great stretch that targets the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders while also engaging your core. To increase difficulty, include single leg lifts as you hold the downward dog pose.

Standing Quad Stretch

How to do it:

  • Stand tall and bend your right knee, bringing your heel toward your glutes.
  • Grab your right ankle with your right hand and gently pull it closer to stretch the front of your thigh.
  • Hold the stretch and then switch to the left side.

Why this stretch?

The standing quad stretch is a simple but effective way to stretch the quadriceps. 

Stretching the quads helps improve knee flexibility and can prevent discomfort in daily activities like walking or running.

Tight quads can also lead to lower back pain too.

Alternative - Lying Quad Stretch

The lying quad stretch allows you to isolate and deeply stretch your quadriceps while lying on your side, reducing the need for balance and providing a more controlled stretch.

Thread the Needle

How to do it:

  • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
  • Slide your right arm underneath your left arm, bringing your right shoulder and ear to the ground.
  • Keep your left hand grounded or extend it overhead for a deeper stretch.
  • Hold the position, feeling the stretch in your shoulders, upper back, and neck.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

Why this stretch?

This stretch is excellent for relieving tension in the upper back, shoulders, and neck, areas that often feel tight after a night’s sleep. 

It’s also great for improving spinal mobility, making it a worthy addition to any stretching routine.

Alternative - Child’s Pose

Sit back on your heels with your arms extended in front of you, allowing your chest to rest on your thighs. This stretch relaxes the entire back and shoulders.

Benefits of Stretching in the Morning

Improve Blood Flow and Circulation

Morning stretches help boost your circulation after a night of rest. By stretching, you promote blood flow to your muscles, delivering oxygen and nutrients that wake up your body and prepare it for the day ahead.

Muscle Activation

Stretching first thing in the morning activates and warms up your muscles, making it easier to move throughout the day. 

This activation helps prevent stiffness and primes your muscles for any physical activities you may encounter.

Reduce Muscle Tension

Overnight, your muscles can become tight or stiff. Morning stretching helps release this tension, reducing the risk of discomfort and injuries. 

It’s a gentle way to ease into the day without feeling sluggish or achy.


Taking a few minutes to stretch in the morning is a great way to practice mindfulness. It allows you to focus on your body, breathing, and overall well-being. 

This simple act of self-care can have a calming effect, setting a positive tone for the day.

Improve Mobility and Flexibility

Regular morning stretching improves your overall mobility and flexibility over time. 

By consistently working on your range of motion, you’ll find it easier to perform daily activities and reduce the risk of injuries.


Lastly, stretching can be fun! It’s a moment of the day where you can explore your body’s capabilities, enjoy the movement, and feel good about doing something positive for yourself. 

Plus, when done regularly, you’ll start noticing progress, which can be incredibly motivating.

Tips for Morning Stretching

Track Your Progress 

Keep a journal or use an app like STRETCHIT to track your flexibility progress over time. Seeing improvements can be motivating and help you stay consistent.

Focus on Good Form

It’s important to maintain proper form during stretches to avoid injury and get the most out of each movement. 

Pay attention to alignment, and don’t rush through the stretches. Holding a stretch with good form is more beneficial than pushing for deeper flexibility with poor technique.

Mind Your Breath

Deep, controlled breathing enhances the effectiveness of your stretches by helping your muscles relax and allowing you to stretch deeper over time. Inhale as you prepare for the stretch, and exhale as you deepen into it.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key to gaining flexibility and mobility. Aim to do your morning stretch routine daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The cumulative effect of regular stretching will lead to more significant improvements over time.

Get Started with STRETCHIT

Incorporating a quick morning stretch routine into your daily life can be hugely beneficial. 

With the STRETCHIT app, you have access to guided stretching routines and programs, designed to help you improve your flexibility and overall movement. 

Grab your free trial today and join a class to try it for yourself. 

If you have any questions please contact us at

Flexibility and mobility training

New stretching classes are for flexibility, mobility and health are released WEEKLY. Appropriate for absolute beginners, beginners, and intermediate/advanced

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